McGill Black Faculty & Staff Caucus
The McGill Black Faculty and Staff Caucus was established to cultivate a nurturing learning and working environment for Black faculty and staff.
Dr. Anita Brown-Johnson
Assistant Professor
Advisory Member
Provostial delegate for Black hires, 2021-2022 and 2022-2023
Assistant Professor of Family Medicine and Associate Member of the Division of Geriatric Medicine at McGill University, as well as Chief of the MUHC Department of Family Medicine and Director of the Secondary Care Division. She is also an Associate Member in the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Oral Health Sciences, where she serves as co-chair of the Faculty’s EDI committee. She specializes in optimizing care transitions and continuing complex care for elderly and other vulnerable patients.
Sarah Riley Case
Assistant Professor
Boulton Junior Fellow (2021) and Assistant Professor (2022) at the Faculty of Law. Her interests are in colonialisms, legal relations to the natural world, slavery and the law, Black Studies, international and domestic law formations, Third World Approaches to International Law, Critical Race Theory, queer theories, and the liberatory potential of arts.
Sabrina N. Jafralie
Course Lecturer
Course Lecturer in the Department of Integrated Studies in Education. Her teaching and research interests include Teacher Education, Religious Literacy, and Anti-Racism Education. She is a social justice activist and the co-founder of the Centre for Civic Religious Literacy (CCRL).
Antoine-Samuel Mauffette Alavo
Black Student Affairs Liaison
Antoine is responsible for connecting with and supporting Black students across McGill at both the graduate and undergraduate levels, to ensure that their needs and interests are communicated effectively to the University and addressed in a timely and effective manner. He also works on developing opportunities for students as well as community outreach to Montreal's Black community.
Fackson Mwale
Provostial delegate for Black hires, 2021-2022
Professor and Graduate Program Director in the Department of Surgery. He is also a Senior Investigator at the Lady Davis Institute and past President of the Canadian Orthopaedic Research Society. His research focuses on the repair of degenerated intervertebral disc and osteoarthritis.
Darius Scott
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography. Using qualitative data such as personal narratives, my research investigates intimate Black senses of place in typically rural and Southern (U.S.) contexts of anti-black violence and sexual stigma. A long-term aim is fostering connections between critical understandings of race and assessments of health and well-being. I engage with ongoing discussions in Black studies, queer studies, public health, and Black geographies. My work has been supported by the Ford Foundation, National Science Foundation (US), and Social Science Research Council.
Brittany Williams
Assistant Dean (Students), Dean's Lead (Black & Indigenous Flourishing), Faculty of Law
Brittany collaborates with the associate deans to advance equity and inclusion, and exercises leadership to ensure the quality of the student experience. She provides direction in the delivery of comprehensive student affairs and advising services, and to promote the retention and success of Black and Indigenous law students.
Iyman Ahmed
Former Program Administrator with the Social Accountability and Community Engagement office (SACE). She worked collaboratively with student organizations, faculty, staff and community members to develop a Community of Support program for Black students interested in pursuing medical school and other health care professions at McGill’s Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.
Joy Bennett
Senior Development Officer
In her role as Senior Development Officer, she is charged with strengthening alumni relations with the University, while ensuring the financial sustainability of programming at the Desautels Faculty of Management through philanthropic donations for student awards, bursaries, scholarships and infrastructure.
Pascale Caidor
Former Diversity Officer at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. She oversaw the development and implementation of diversity initiatives in the Social Accountability and Community Engagement Office. She was also co-chair of the Racialized and Ethnic Persons group (Joint Board Senate Committee on Equity).
Syndie David
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor at the School of Social Work.
Her clinical background is in the area of marginalized and racialized youth and families. She is also interested in the social representations of mental health and illness and help-seeking behaviors in Black communities.
Alexis Dennis
Assistant Professor
Dr. Alexis Dennis is a population health scientist and sociologist with cross-training in public health. Her research broadly investigates how and why structural and social stratification processes generate inequality in health and wellbeing. She is particularly interested in uncovering the mechanisms that give rise to health inequalities across and within racial/ethnic groups. Her work has appeared in Demography, Du Bois Review, and Ethnicity & Disease. Dr. Dennis is currently an Assistant Professor of Sociology at McGill University. She earned her PhD in Sociology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) in 2022, where she was also a predoctoral trainee at the Carolina Population Center. Dr. Dennis earned her Master in Public Health in Health Behavior from UNC in 2014.
Anne Farray
Anne Farray served as the administrative officer at the Institute of Islamic Studies. She is a member of the Grenada Nationals Association of Montreal and Spice Island Cultural Day Association of Quebec. She was an Executive member of the NDG Black Community Association, Cote des Neiges Black Community Association and the Elizabeth House Foundation Board. She co-chaired the McGill University Centraide Campaign Committee. In February 2020, Anne-Janice was recognized in the McGill Reporter for her 40 years of service to the university and community.
Philip S. S. Howard
Associate Professor
Co-convener, Fall 2020-Summer 2022
Provostial delegate for Indigenous hires, 2019-2020
Co-convener (Accountability - Extended History Project)
Provostial delegate for Black hires, 2021-2022
Associate Professor in the Department of Integrated Studies in Education. His interests are in Black studies, Critical Race Studies, and decolonial thought in education.
Loydie Jerome-Majewska
Associate Professor
Co-convener, Fall 2020-Summer 2022 (Inclusive Excellence - Hiring & Retention)
Provostial delegate for Black hires, 2021-2022
Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatrics and co-Director of the Centre for Research in Reproduction and Development (CRRD). Her research is focused on identifying the molecular and genetic causes of abnormal placental development and craniofacial malformations in newborn infants.
Khalid Mustafa Medani
Associate Professor
Co-chair, Provost's Working Group on African and Black Studies
Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and the Institute for Islamic Studies, and Chair of the African Studies Program. His research and teaching interests include African politics, Islam and politics, informal economies, Middle East politics, civil conflict and social movements in the Horn of Africa.
R. Nanre Nafziger
Assistant Professor
R. Nanre Nafziger is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Education. Her interests are in critical education studies; decolonization and African/Black studies in education; youth participatory action research; critical youth studies; African/Black social movements; non-profits in the Global South.
Debra Thompson
Associate Professor
Co-chair, Provost's Working Group on African and Black Studies
Associate Professor of Political Science. She is a leading scholar of the comparative politics of race, with research interests that focus on the relationships among race, the state, and inequality in democratic societies.
Shanice Yarde
Senior Advisor, Anti-Racism and Equity Education
Senior Advisor, Anti-Racism and Equity Education. Her portfolio focuses on anti-oppression and anti-racism education and she is primarily available for workshop facilitation and advising support for faculty and staff. Shanice also co-leads the organizing of Black History Month at McGill, an annual celebration at the University.
Marilyn Ahun
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine and Associate Member of the Department of Global and Public Health. She examines the mechanisms through which parental mental health and parenting behaviours influence child development and mental health in global contexts.
Adelle Blackett
Convener, 2022-2023
Founding Convener, Summer and Fall 2020
Advisory Committee Member
Chair, Faculty of Law Hiring Committee, 2016-2020
Ad. E., Professor at the Faculty of Law and Canada Research Chair in Transnational Labour Law and Development. Her interests are in transnational labour law, slavery and the law, the regulation of domestic work, law of international organizations, and Critical Race Theory.
Dr. Mabel Carabali
Assistant Professor
Mabel Carabali is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health. Dr. Carabali is a social and infectious diseases epidemiologist. Her work on infectious diseases focuses on emergent pathogens and current research on racial and socioeconomic inequalities includes the expansion of statistical methods for the study and understanding of intersectionality in different health outcomes and integrating mixed-methods in empirical analysis of the intersectional effects of racism and discrimination.
Régine Débrosse
Assistant Professor
Co-convener, 2021-2022 (Montreal Black Community Engagement)
Assistant Professor at the School of Social Work. She examines the experiences of communities of colour, whether Black or from immigrant backgrounds, and asks how the way people view who they are impacts who they want to be, and how they forge community bonds.
Karen Diop
Program Manager, Anti-Black Racism Action Plan
Karen Diop joined the Equity team as Program Manager, Anti-Black Racism Action Plan. She is charged with oversight of the implementation of all Action Plan commitments. She connects with faculty, staff, and students across the University. She has international experience in qualitative research and programming on gender and international migration issues. For the past seven years, she has worked on vulnerability assessment and policy in Europe, West Africa, and Canada.
Nicole Ives
Associate Professor
Co-convener (Black Flourishing - Presentations)
Provostial delegate for Black hires, 2021-2022
Associate Professor at the School of Social Work. She researches refugee and immigrant issues, particularly refugee resettlement, sponsorship and reunification, as well as Indigenous social work education and Indigenous social and educational policies.
Myrlie Marcelin
Former BIPOC Wellness Advisor. Myrlie Marcelin holds a Master’s in Social Work (MSW), is a recent graduate of the Couple-and-Family Therapy Master's (CFT) at McGill University, and a licensed psychotherapist Quebec Order of Psychologists (OPQ). Working with a systemic and attachment-focused framework, she has supported clients with depression, anxiety disorders, interpersonal difficulties, relationship concerns, emotional dysregulation, conjugal violence, and complex trauma. Myrlie works towards empowering, supporting and critically exploring individuals, couples and families in a therapeutic capacity.
Nicole Mitchell
Academic Associate
Nicole Mitchell is the MSW Field Coordinator, Student Support Coordinator, U3 Advisor and a Course Lecturer within McGill’s School of Social Work. Nicole is a graduate of the BSW and MSW program at McGill University and also holds a degree in Special Care Counselling (Éducation Spécialisée). Nicole has worked with a wide variety of populations in her clinical practice (mental health, Indigenous communities, homeless populations, older adults, etc.) and now aims to motivate and inspire the next generation of social workers.
Ugochinyere Vivian Ukah
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor in the Division of Clinical Epidemiology, in the Department of Medicine, McGill University. Her research focuses on the short- and long-term outcomes of pregnancy complications, perinatal pharmacoepidemiology, development and validation of prediction models, and examining racial disparities in perinatal outcomes